Friday, 14 October 2011

Past paper 2005 - Every Day Science (EDS) CSS

Year: 2005
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any ten questions. All questions carry equalmarks.

1. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (5 each) 

(a) Communication Satellite (b) Geo-thermal Energy (c) Ultrasonics
2. Write short notes on the life and work of the following: 
(5 each)

(a) AI-Biruni (b) Ibn Al - Haitham

3. Name: (1 each)

(a) The alloy which consists of copper and tin.

(b) The device used to measure radioactivity.

(c) The organ in (he human body which is responsible for the digestion of protein only

(d) The instrument used to measure very high temperature.

(e) The scientist who designed the first internal combustion engine used to burn low grade fuel.

(f)The scientist who asserted the earth to be a huge magnet.
(g) The metal known as quick silver.

(h) The device which converts the chemical energy into electrical energy.

(i) The first 
person to orbit the earth in space.

(j) The scientist who discovered water.

4-Write briefly about 
any FIVE of the following: (2each)

(a) Shock Waves (b) Sound Barrier (c) Solar Cell (d) Super Fluid (e) Tsunami (f) Photovoltaic Cell (g) Hygrometer

5. Which physical quantities are measured by the following units? (1 each)

(a) Coulomb (b) Weber (c) Tesla (d) Siemen (e) Rutherford (f) Faraday 
(g) Angstrom (h) Parsec (i) Degree (j) Steradian
6. How do our domestic and industrial activities pollute water? Explain with reference to two important industries of Pakistan. (5,5)

7- Which of the following statements are True and which are False: (1 each)

(a) To 
stay in the sunlight while circling the globe at the equator, one has to move with a speed of 1670 km/hour.

(b) Infrared 
waves have more wavelengths than the red colour.

(c) liver produces bile which is involved in the breakdown of fats.

(d) A secondary cell can be charged again.

(e) Nucleic acids are responsible basically for protein synthesis in the human body,

(f) The quality of gasoline is checked by its octane number.

(g) image in 
a plane mirror is not laterally inverted.

(h) Horse 
power is the unit of mechanical energy.

(i) Sound 
travels faster in vacuum than in water.

(j) Nitrogen is the most occurring element in the human 

8. Differentiate between the following pairs. (2 each)

(a) Radiotherapy 
& Chemotherapy (b) Penumbra & Umbra (c) Springtides & Neaptides

(d) Vertebrates 
&. Invertebrates (e) Fluorescent light & Neon signs

9. Fill in the blanks: (1 each) '

a)The variation in the blood flow can be heard with an instrument called __ 

b)There is a place in the retina where the light sensitive cells are interrupted by the presence of the optic nerve head. It is known as __
(c) The study of human population is called __.

(d) Human beings belong to species called ___ .

(e) defect of 
eye due to which nearly located objects arc not clearly visible is called __ .

(f) About _ __ _ of the human body consists of water.

(g) All of the oxygen that you breathe has been produced by the splitting 
of water during __ ___.

(h) The important ore of Chromium is _.

(i) _ __ acid was discovered by Jabbar bin Hayyan.

(j) The measurement of rainfall is made by an instrument known 
as _.

10. What are the main reasons of water - logging in Pakistan? How does a tube-well reclaim a water logged soil? (5,5)

11 . Give scientific reason of the following: (2 each)
(1) Pole star is always seen in the north.
(2) We never see birds urinating. 
(3) Pasteurized milk has more nourishment than the ordinary boiled milk. 
(4) Bees die when they sting human beings. 
(5) Cloudy nights are usually warmer than the clear ones.
12. What are Nuclear reactors? How the Electrical energy is produced by Nuclear Power Plants? Name the devices which convert
(1) Mechanical energy into electrical energy 
(2) Heat 
energy into mechanical energy
(3) Electrical energy into mechanical energy
(4) Electrical energy into sound energy 
(5) Sound energy into electrical energy

13. What do the following scientific abbreviations stand for: (1 each)
(a) I-1DL (b) McV (c) UHF (d) LED (e) LCD (f) BASIC (g) MASER (h) ETT (i) HST
j) DBS

14-Compare the columns A and B and write the correct answer from the Column to the Column A (serial wise) in Column C,
Column A
1. Gunpowder 
2. Marble 
3. Ozone 
4. Argon 
5. Quartz 
6. Mirage 
7. Gold
8. Modulation 
9. Length 
10. Solar Energy 

Colum B
Sulphur dioxide
Aqua regia
Beta - Particle
Calcium Carbonate
Dobson Units
Silicon dioxide
Total internal reflection
Blue purple light

Column C

15. Choose the best choice in the following statements.
(I) Select the correct association :

(a) Oxidation-Loss of an electron (b) Oxidation - gain of an electron (c) Reduction - gain of a neutron (d) Reduction - loss of a neutron
(2) Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is: 

(a)92 U 235(b)92 U 234
c)92 U 233
d)92 U 238

(3) Human population growth is greatest in developing countries because:
(a) the birth rate is high in developing countries (b) the death rate is high in developing countries

(c) much of the population has already reached the child bearing age

(d) most of the world's population lives in industrialized countries

(4) Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper pulp?
(a) Cotton (b) Poplar (c) Bagasse
(d) Rice straw

(5) Rectified spirit contains alcohol about:

(a) 80% (b) 95% (c) 70%

(d) 85%

(6) Which of the following elements is not present abundantly in earth's crust: (a) Silicon (b) Radium (c) Aluminum

(d) Carbon

(7) The famous book; Al - Qanoun was written by the Muslim scientist: (a.) Jabar bin Hayyan (b) Zakariya Al - Razi (c) Abu Ali Sina

(d) Abdul Qasim Majreeti

(8) Basic metals can be converted into gold by:

(a) heating (b) beating (c) artificial nuclear radioactivity(d) chemical reaction

(9) A light year is a unit of:

(a) time (b) energy (c) length (d) mass

(10) One of the main function of the earth's ozone layer is to:

(a) prevent global warming (b) filter out ultraviolet rays (c) absorb pollution (d) all of the above

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