Friday 14 October 2011

Current Affairs 2006- CSS Past Paper

Year: 2006

Q # 1... PART I

(1).. How many medals were won by Pakistan in the 18th Commonwealth games?
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) None of these

(2).. The Currency of China is:
(a) Rouble (b) Yen (c) Yuan (d) None of these

(3).. In the absence of President, who becomes the acting President of Pakistan?
(a) Speaker of the NA (b) Chairman Senate (c) Chief Justice of pakistan (d) None of these

(4).. Han Myung has become the First Woman Prime Minister of:
(a) South Korea (b) North Korea (c) Vietnam (d) None of these

(5).. Zalmay Khalil is the US Ambassador to:
(a) Iraq (b) Syria (c) Lebanon (d) None of these

(6).. H3N1 is the name of a:
(a) Medicine (b) Vaccine (c) Virus (d) None of these

(7).. Biman is the AirLine of:
(a) Sri Lanka (b) Nepal (c) Bangladesh (d) None of these

(8).. Which country's border with Pakistan is called Durand line:
(a) Iran (b) Afghanistan (c) Iran (d) None of these

(9).. Xinhua is the news agency of:
(a) China (b) Russia (c) North Korea (d) None of these

(10).. The headquarters of the UN Security Council is located at:
(a) Washington (b) Paris (c) New York (d) None of these

(11).. Who is the Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan?
(a) Dr. Shamshad Akhtar (b) Dr. Ishrat Hussain (c) Sulman Shah (d) None of these

(12).. Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2005 was awarded to M. Elbardei together with:
(a) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
(b) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (c) World Health Organization (WHO)
(d) None of these

(13).. Who is the US Assistant Secretary of state for South Asian and Central Asian affairs?
(a) Riyan C. Crocker (b) Nancy Powell (c) Richard A. Boucher (d) none of these.

(14).. What was the magnitude of the Earthquake that shook northern Pakistan and Azad Kashmir on
October, 8, 2005?
(a) 5.7 (b) 7.5 (c) 7.7 (d) None of these.

(15).. Rafiq Bahauddin al Harriri had been the Prime Minister of :
(a) Libya (b) Lebanon (c) Syria (d) None of these.

(16).. Angela Mekel is the :
(a) President of France (b) First lady of Britain (c) Chancellor of Germany (d) none of these

(17).. Fourth Estate applied to:
(a) Executive (b) Secret Agency (c) Press (d) None of these.

(18).. The "Spirit of Islam" author is:
(a) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (b) Syed Amir Ali (c) Allama Iqbal (d) none of these.

(19).. The South Asian Associan for regional cooperation (SAARC) Standing Committee had agreed in
principle to grant an observer status to:
(a) China and japan (b) Britain and France (c) US and Korea (d) None of these

(20).. George Washington was the first President of USA. Who is the incumbent Vice President of America?
(a) George Bush (b) Gerald Ford (c) Dick Cheney (d) None of these.


Q # 2... US accusations against North Korea, Syria and Iran are meant to bring them within the purview of the doctrine of pre-emptive war. Discuss.

Q # 3... Countries that recognized the importance of higher education are way ahead of those who have ignored it. What measures would you suggest to upgrade the standard of higher education in Pakistan.

Q # 4... Examine the causes of disturbances in Baluchistan.

Q # 5... The UN Security Council is regarded as a tool for the veto wielding powers and a debating forum for non permanent members. Make a case for restructuring the Council with special emphasis on judicious distribution of veto power.

Q # 6... The ongoing anti blasphemy campaign launched by Muslims all over the world and the West's obduracy not to yield on the issue in the name of freedom of press has put the two on a collision. What role the UN and the OIC can play to prevent recurrence of acts of blasphemy in future?

Q # 7... The US Presiden Bush visit to Pakistan had yielded no positive outcome except for promises and pledges. In the backdrop of changing US mindset former Prime Minister Mir Zafrullah Khan Jamali had urged the government to establish more vibrant relations with Iran, Saudi Arabia and China. Comment.

Q # 8... Write explanator notes on any two of the following:

( a ) Pak-Afghan Relations
( b ) Kalabagh Dam
( c ) October 8, Post earthquake Scenario
( d ) Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) Gas Pilelines project

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