Sunday 16 October 2011

US History - 2010 Past Paper CSS


Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)

(i) The Pilgrim reached Plymouth in:
(a) 1616
(b) 1620
(c) 1630
(d) None of these

(ii) Thomas Jafferson wrote ‘Declaration of Independence’ in:
(a) 1774
(b) 1776
(c) 1777
(d) None of these

(iii) Boston Tea Party was an act of:
(a) Serving Tea in a Party
(b) Exporting Tea to France
(c) Throwing Tea into the water
(d) None of these

(iv) The Americans signed a Treaty of alliance with France in:
(a) 1775
(b) 1777
(c) 1778
(d) None of these

(v) General Cornwallis Surren dies at:
(a) New York
(b) Boston
(c) York Town
(d) None of these

(vi) The Constitution of USA was adopted in:
(a) 1783
(b) 1789
(c) 1790
(d) None of these

(vii) George Washington was elected as the President of America for the first time in:
(a) 1785
(b) 1787
(c) 1789
(d) None of these

(viii) The first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of America was:
(a) John Marshal
(b) John Jay
(c) J. Adams
(d) None of these

(ix) The first capital of the United States of America was:
(a) New York
(b) James Town
(c) Washington
(d) None of these

(x) The statue of Liberty was donated to USA by:
(a) Germany
(b) Italy
(c) France
(d) None of these

(xi) Locomotive was invented by Peter Couper in:
(a) 1820
(b) 1830
(c) 1835
(d) None of these

(xii) United States of America Steel Corporation was established in:
(a) 1891
(b) 1897
(c) 1901
(d) None of these

(xiii) America entered World War-I in:
(a) 1915
(b) 1917
(c) 1918
(d) None of these

(xiv) Alva Edison invented Phonograph in:
(a) 1872
(b) 1876
(c) 1878
(d) None of these

(xv) Elijah Muhammad assumed leadership of the Black Muslims Movement in:
(a) 1930
(b) 1934
(c) 1936
(d) None of these

(xvi) Korean war started in:
(a) 1948
(b) 1950
(c) 1953
(d) None of these

(xvii) D. David Eisenhower was elected U.S. President (I term) in:
(a) 1950
(b) 1952
(c) 1953
(d) None of these

(xviii) Who had said, ‘Ask not what your country do for you’, say what you can do for your country?
(a) George Washington
(b) Abraham Lincoln
(c) John F. Kennedy
(d) None of these

(xix) Martin Luther King won the Novel Peace Prize in:
(a) 1958
(b) 1960
(c) 1964
(d) None of these

(xx) American Troops finally left Vietnam after the end of the war in:
(a) 1970
(b) 1973
(c) 1975
(d) None of these


NOTE: (i) PART-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Q.2. Discuss the factors that led to the war of American Independence. Also analyse the reasons for the growing popularity of Independence. (20)

Q.3. Discuss the struggle between the Federalists and anti-Federalists in America (1787-1800). What were their respective political and economic ideas? (20)

Q.4. “President Andrew Jackson was a People’s President.” Discuss. (20)

Q.5. The American Constitution is a system of “checks and balances.” Discuss. (20)

Q.6. What do you know about the Water Gate Scandal? What lesson the American national had learnt from it? (20)

Q.7. Write comprehensively on the American Foreign Policy towards Pakistan in the light of 9/11 and War on Terror. (20)

Q.8. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following: (20)
(i) George Washington
(ii) The issue of slavery
(iii) The Great Depression
(iv) U.Z Incident

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